Bisogna liberare dalle deturpazioni mediocri tutta la Roma antica, ma accanto alla antica e alla medievale, bisogna creare la monumentale Roma del xx secolo.
It is necessary to relieve ancient Rome of mediocre additions that disfigure her. However side by side with ancient and medieval Rome we will create the monumental Rome of the 20th century.
Mussolini 1924
Tra cinquant'anni Roma deve apparire meravigliosa a tutte le genti del mondo, vasta, ordinata, potente, come fu ai tempi del primo impero di Augusto.
I monumenti millenari della nostra storia devono giganteggiare nella necessaria solitudine.
In 15 years Rome must appear as the most marvelous city for all the people of the world; extensive, orderly, powerful as it was in the first empire of Augustus.
Our historical monuments, thousand years old, will stand out as giants in their inevitable solitude.
Mussolini 1925