Jørgen Christian Meyer
Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion
University of Bergen - Norway

This photo collection is a product of several years of fieldwork in Turkey, especially in the small village of Çatalçam (1985, 1987, 1990 and 1996)
in the Taurus Mountains 150 kilometers north of Adana in the municipality of Tufanbeyli, and in the city of Diyarbarkır in southeastern Turkey
(1987, 1990 and 1991). During all the years I have had the privilege to benefit from the Turkish hospitality. Special thanks to Halil, Ayşe, Mahmut
and Sebahat Demirer, Çatalçam Köy. They have taught me more about human society than several years of academic studies at the university
(Onlar bana insanlar hakkında, yıllarca süren akademik çalışmalarımdan fazlasını öğretti).

Some of the photographs from 1985 were taken by Jens Bech (1943-2006), Strynø, Denmark (photo collection).

İstanbul (1985-2007)   Ankara (1985)   Turkey. Miscellaneous

West Coast
Bergama (1985)   Didim (1985)   Efes (1985)   İzmir (1985)   Milet (1985)

South Coast. Between Antalya and Adana
Antalya (1985)   Akdere (1985)   Aydınçık (1985)   Erdimli (1985)   Adana (1985-1990)   Kozan (1987)  
Miscellaneous (1985)


Kayseri (1985-1990)  

Kayseri (2015)  

Konya (1985)  

Miscellaneous (1985-1990)

Tufanbeyli district:
Map   Tufanbeyli (1985-1990)   Akpenar (1985)   Şar (1985)   Evçi (1985)   Çerelan (1990)   Hanyeri (1987)  
Ortaköy (1987-1990)   Pekmezli (1990)   Derişimli (1987)

Çatalçam (1985-1996, 2015):
Surrounding country   Village and houses   Village square   Kahve - Tea house   Well and laundry   Motor traffic   Trade  
Kahne - Cart   Agriculture   Animal husbandry   Yayla - Mountain pasture   Seasonal employment   Weaving  
Women's sphere   Houses interior   Breadmaking and bulgur   Host family   Gallery of characters  
Çatalçam 2015

Southeastern Turkey
Urfa district:
Şanlıurfa (1990, 1991)   Akçale (1990)   Harran (1990)   Sogmatar (1990)   Suyagıp (1990)   District (1990)
Kahta - Adıyaman (1987)  Şirvan (1987)

Diyarbakır district:
Mardin (1987)   Sultan Şeymus camii. South of Diyarbakır (1987, 1990)

Diyarbakır (1987, 1990, 1991):
City and houses   Eastern quarter   Street tradings - Southern quarter   Bazaar   Kahve - Tea house   Men's sphere
Women's sphere   Wedding festivities (1990)   Religion Political rally (1990)   Gallery of characters

Eastern Turkey
Çatak. Van district

All photographs are subject to existing copyright laws.
High resolution copies may be obtained, subject to approval, by contacting:

Prof. Dr. phil.
Jørgen Christian Meyer
Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion
University of Bergen

© 2003 by Jørgen Christian Meyer