ANCIENT STUDIES                 
University of Bergen

Photo Archives
Ancient Studies and Ethnography (Bergen)
Palmyra and Palmyrena 2004-2011 (J.C.Meyer) Between the Nile and the Red Sea 2003 (J.C.Meyer)
Eritrea 2004 (Eivind H. Seland) Ethiopia 2018 (Eivind H. Seland)
Oman 2001 and 2002 (J.C.Meyer) Turkey 1985 - 1996 (J.C.Meyer)
Arabian Gulf 1964 (Jens Bech) Indian Ocean, India and Nepal
Arachne. iDAI.objects (Germany) British School at Rome Digital Collection
Italian Stamps 1862 - 1945 (T. Meland, J.C.Meyer)             The Past in the Present (J.C.Meyer)
Loebulus (Loeb, public domain) History Source Book
Perseus Internet Classics Archive
Library of Ancient Texts Online (LATO - Greek texts)        Center of Hellenic Studies. Online Greek Texts
Corpus Scriptorum Latinorum Latin Library
Inscriptions and Papyri:
Greek and Roman Inscriptions. Links
Inscriptions of the Middle East. Links Pre-Islamic Arabian Inscriptions. Links
Collection of Sources:
Christian Classics Ethereal Library The Cult of Saints in Late Antiquity
Ancient Accounts of Arabia, 430 BCE - 550 CE The Ancient Mediterranean and India
Fontes Historiae Nubiorum (Middle Nile Region) Chinese Accounts of Rome/Byzantium/Middle East           
Encyclopediae and Dictionaries
Pauly-Wissowa Brill's New Pauly Online
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History   Classics - Oxford Bibliographies
Livius. Articles on Ancient History Ancient History Encyclopedia
Encyclopædia Iranica
Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie
Salmonsens konversationsleksikon Assyrian Dictionary. Oriental Institute of the Univ. of Chicago
Glossa. A Latin Dictionary (Lewis & Short) Greek-English Dictionary (Liddell-Scott-Jones)
Maps, Topography, Geography (Links)
Greek and Aegean Prehistory. Links Greece and Greek History and Archaeology. Links
Rome and Roman History and Archaeology. Links
Pompeii - Herculaneum. Links Ostia. Links
Northern Provinces of the Roman Empire. Links Northern Africa. Links
Roman Aqueducts. Links Theatres and Amphitheatres. Links
Associations in the Ancient World. Links Ships, Seafaring and Ports. Links
Coinage. Links Pottery and Ceramics. Links
Women and Gender in the Ancient World. Links Hittites. Links
Persia: Achaemenids - Parthians - Sasanians. Links Middle East, Syria, Palmyra and Jordan. Links
Arabia, Red Sea, Arabian Gulf, Indian Ocean. Links Silk Road. Links
Ancient History in the Movies Early Travel Literature. Links
Other Resources
Abbreviations. Links
Open Access Journals in Ancient Studies (AWOL) Open Access Monograph Series in Ancient Studies (AWOL)      
Thesaurus linguae Latinae Thesaurus linguae Graecae
Kirke, Internetressourcen für die Klassische Philologie       Propylaeum, Fachbibliothek Altertumswissenschaften
Kildebruk og referanser Historiske navn (Språkrådet)
Navn og begreper fra gresk og latin til norsk Antikke forfattere i skandinavisk oversættelse
Podcasts and Documentaries. Links Bibliographical Search Engines and Libraries. Links
Scandinavian Institutes in the Mediterranean. Links Nordic Journals. Links
Ancient Cities. Making Cultural Heritage Digitally Accessible
Mechanisms of Cross-Cultural Interaction: Networks in the Roman Near East (2013-2017)
Palmyrena: City, Hinterland and Caravan Trade between Orient and Occident (2008-2013)
Research Groups and Associations
Ancient, Medieval and Early Modern Studies    Religions of Late Antiquity    Associations. Links
Antiquity and the Classical Tradition    Ancient Philosophy   
History Prof. Eivind Heldaas Seland Assoc. prof. Ingvar Brandvik Mæhle
aaaaaaaaaa Prof. emeritus Jørgen Christian Meyer
Archaeology Prof. Simon Malmberg   Prof. emeritus Erik Østby  
aaaaaaaaaa Research fellow Christina Videbech   Research fellow Anna Danilova  
History of Religion Prof. emerita Anne Ingvild S. Gilhus   Prof. emeritus Einar Thomassen  
aaaaaaaaaa Research fellow Moa Christina Airijoki    
Greek and Latin Philology     Prof. Gjert Frimann Vestrheim   Prof. Pär Ola Sandin  
aaaaaaaaaa Assoc. prof. Matti Garnes Wiik  
History of Art Prof. Bente Knold Kiilerich   Assoc. prof. Jørgen Bakke  
Other fields Prof. Torill Christine Lindstrøm   Research librarian Alexandros Tsakos  
aaaaaaaaaa Research librarian Pål Steiner  

Prof. Dr. phil.
Jørgen Christian Meyer
Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion
University of Bergen
PO Box 7805
5020 Bergen